Saturday, December 6, 2008

Cub Scouts and Pilgrims

Colin was a pilgrim in his first grade Thanksgiving program. They learned about seven songs for this program. Which would have been great, but Colin sang once before he started crying. He is not usually someone who experiences stage fright, so I believed him when he said he was crying because he bit his cheek. Ah, well......

Andrew and Colin are in cub scouts. They have a "raingutter regatta" that they have to make wooden boats for. Kind of like the Pinewood Derby. Anyhow, Andrew's boat won his den competition. Colin won one heat, but was eventually eliminated for his den. I love Colin's shark boat - the numbers are "Ate one, too!" (812)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Beach Boys

So we went to the beach to get family portraits done. I followed the photographer around and got some snapshots...... Pretty good, if I say so myself! :-)

And what trip to the beach would be complete without cartwheels?

Monday, November 3, 2008

Hi-ya! Karate boys!

And to think - they've never been to a karate lesson in their lives....

And poor Abby, in the background. Sniffing one of the boys' socks. Just happy as can be! This just makes me laugh. And makes me so happy I'm the mom of two boys!

New Camera! Halloween, birthday, etc.....


So yay, I got my new camera. So I was able to take some photos this past weekend for Halloween and Andrew's birthday. Of course, the card that came with the camera holds all of 11 photos. And the super gigabyte card that I ordered hasn't come yet. And the super gig card that I currently have isn't the same size, so I couldn't take out from one and substitute another.... Anyhow....

Andrew wore a giant red lego costume. He was completely fabulous! Of course, as he was walking down the street, he whined and said he wished he was a skeleton. Which is what Colin wore as a costume. It's hard to be scary when you have a blond mop on top of your head...... The only thing about Andrew being in a box was that he could not reach into a bowl of Halloween candy and then put it in his Halloween bag... I ended up being the bag lady.

And his party was at the Pirate Park. This is where Colin had his party back in May - it was Andrew's choice. It was so much fun. Even I had fun, and NO STRESS. His cake was the BOMB, according to a bunch of 7 and 8 year olds. Yes, those are worms coming out of the skeleton eyes. All I can say is, "Ewww, gross!" (Which of course meant that it was sure to be a hit!) And then we went to Carrabas for dinner. I so love that place. I could have picked up my plate and LICKED IT so that I didn't leave any sauce. Of course, that would be bad manners and as the former DOP (Director of Protocol) I couldn't do that......could I?

Friday, October 17, 2008

Just old Disney photos. Gosh, I'd love to go back tomorrow!!!!


Okay, I've become one of "those people" who has a profile on Facebook. Just mere weeks after admonishing a friend of mine that she was too old for that. And while everyone I know under the age of 25 is on Facebook, I am shocked at the number of people my age or OLDER that are on it, too. Is it just a passing fad or is this one of those things that we'll stick with for years?

So I haven't posted anything for a while, and have realized I have no current photos. Yah, well......I haven't taken any for a while. So now I'm going to post old photos... :-) They were so cute when they were almost makes me want another. Almost.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


One of the unexpected niceties of me being in "THE BOOT" is that we've gone out to dinner a lot more than usual. I'm really just too "hurt" to stand up in the kitchen and cook most days.

So, we were out at Starfish Grille and Andrew and Colin both want fish sticks. I guess fish sticks these days are wayyyy better than the kind my mom fixed for me back in the 1970s. Anyhow, we're all eating (mine was fabulous, by the way. Parmesan crusted pork loin in a whole grain mustard cream sauce over pasta. MMMMMMMM) and I noticed that Andrew had quit eating.
He looked tired, or ill, or something....

Mom: "Andrew, are you okay?"
Andrew: "Yeah, but I don't want any more of these fish sticks."
Mom: "Why? Aren't they any good?"
Andrew: "Well, they are making me seasick."

I swear, it was one of the cutest things he has ever said. I think it must have been because he was in a short sleeve shirt and the AC was blasting. Colin, Andrew and I can get cold in a restaurant (or movie theatre or car) and Mike will be like, "Turn on the air conditioning!" Anyhow, he took a break from eating, went and snuggled in Mike's arms and warmed up. All was well and he could go back to eating fish sticks.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sloopy Pottydunkin

We all need a little stress-reliever ! This only takes a minute. Sometimes when you have a stressful day or week, you need some silliness to breakup the day. If we are honest, we have a lot more stressful days than not. Here is your dose of humor...A. Follow the instructions to find your new name.B. Once you have your new name, put it in the subject box and forward it to friends and family andco-workers.Don't forget to forward it back to the person who sent it to you, so they know you participated.And don't go all adult - a senior manager is now known far and wide as Dorky Gizzardsniffer !The following is excerpted from a children's book, Captain Underpants And the Perilous Plot Professor Poopypants, by Dave Pilkey, in which the evil Professor forces everyone to assume new names... So:

Me? I am Sloopy Pottydunkin. I just love this, as my mother's name would be Dumbo Wafflebrains. My sister is Boobie Chuckledunkin. (I think she wins.)

1. Use the third letter of your first name to determine your New first name:
a = snickle
b = doombah
c = goober
d = cheesey
e = crusty
f = greasy
g = dumbo
h = farcus
I = dorky
j = doofus
k = funky
l = boobie
m = sleezy
n = sloopy
o = fluffy
p = stinky
q = slimy
r = dorfus
s = snooty
t = tootsie
u = dipsy
v = sneezy
w = liver
x = skippy
y = dinky
z = zippy

2. Use the second letter of your last name to determine the first half of your new last name:
a = dippin
b = feather
c = batty
d = burger
e = chicken
f = barffy
g = lizard
h = waffle
i = farkle
j = monkey
k = flippin
l = fricken
m = bubble
n = rhino
o = potty
p = hamster
q = buckle
r = gizzard
s = lickin
t = snickle
u = chuckle
v = pickle
w = lickin
x = dingle
y = gorilla
z = girdle

3. Use the third letter of your last name to determine the second half of your new last name:
a = butt
b = boob
c = face
d = nose
e = hump
f = breath
g = pants
h = shorts
i = lips
j = honker
k = head
l = tush
m = chunks
n = dunkin
o = brains
p = biscuits
q = toes
r = doodle
s = fanny
t = sniffer
u = sprinkles
v = frack
w = squirt
x = humperdinck
y = hiney
z = juice

Thus, for example, George W. Bush's new name is: Fluffy Chucklefanny.

And remember that children laugh an average of 146 times a day; adults laugh an average of 4 times a day. Put more laughter in your day!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Foot Surgery, part deux

So, yay! The doctor says I am healing nicely. Still have those dang stitches in my foot. Go back again at the end of this week. And we'll see what he says then. One thing I know, I will still have those dang stitches in my foot. They stay in for at least two more weeks.

But what I haven't told you is that ANDREW had some minor toe surgery the day I went in for my check up. Yes, my darling seven year old has battled two or three ingrown toenails over the last year or so. This last one just would not go away. We went to TWO pediatricians, got two different antibiotics, had lots of screaming over touching the infected toe, etc.... Well, it flared up again this past week, so I called my doctor and said, "I have to come in for a check up - can I also schedule my son for a visit, too?" After all, I'm already giving him my entire paycheck for the rest of the year, what's another Ronayne to add to the mix?

His office staff was DELIGHTFUL in working us in. (Really, when is the last time you heard office staff and delightful in the same sentence?) Andrew saw the doc, who said, "Oh, this is a bad one." Great. Just what I wanted to hear. Anyhow, he said he would have to drain the toe, which would be painful. Or he could just take out some of the nailbed, which would also be painful, but would be preceded by numbing shots.

(For anyone who has ever had an ingrown toenail, let me tell you, having this procedure is the BOMB. Both my father and I have had this done. Daddy said last night he wished he's had it done 20 years before. Would have saved some painful times. I had it done and have never had an ingrown toenail since. Knock wood. Anyhow, back to the story.....)

So, Andrew was such an excellent patient. Screamed and carried on for the shots, but kept still like he needed to. Once the Novocaine (or whatever it is) took effect, he couldn't feel a thing and bim, bam, boom, they were done and his toe was wrapped up like a mummy. We stayed home from school and work on Friday and by Saturday morning, he was (almost) as good as new.

(Which leads me to another topic - how nice is it that I now work at a place where I don't get all stressed out when I have to call in sick for me or the kids? Seriously, I used to get soooo worked up at my last place of employment. If one of the kids was sick, it woudl take me an hour to gain the courage to call my boss and tell him I needed to stay home. He never, ever said "NO!" but still made me feel guilty about being a working mother. My current boss is just so open and understanding about this. What a difference! Anyhow, back to the story.....)

So, I'm thinking that ingrown toenails must be some kind of hereditary trait? Maybe Colin inherited Mike's good toes... :-)

Happy Monday, everyone!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Foot surgery

Thank goodness no one took pictures of me in the days after my foot surgery. Yes, I had successful (so far) foot surgery last Wednesday. Then spent all of Wednesday afternoon thru Sunday laid out on my back on the couch. Two successful trips out - one to Mom's for dinner and one to Ruby Tuesday's for dinner. But me walking is a sight to see. My right foot is trussed up in one of these: a beautiful short cam boot. And yes, I walk with a cane. Colin would call me an old lady and that's what I feel like. I'm at work this morning (thanks to Keenan who drove me in - albeit at zero dark thirty!) and haven't been too uncomfortable. I can't take my medicine because I'd be passed out on the desk - sleepy time pain meds! So I'm roughing it with just Tylenol or Advil.
My foot is "bored." That is the only way I can describe it. It's tired of being in the boot under my desk. It's not entirely professional to have the foot out of the boot, propped up on my desk. So, a slight conundrum. I'm propping it up unless I hear out door open, then it's a mad rush to hide the damn thing under the desk. And quite frankly, I know how my foot feels. I was terribly bored over the weekend. I never thought I'd be the one to say, "You know, there is only so much television one can watch......!" And to even hobble to the home office to get to the computer was a chore, so I didn't do it until Saturday (or was it Sunday?). Anyhow, of course, having said all that, I'd like nothing better than to be able to go home right now (at 1:00 p.m.) and put my foot up! I'm exhausted from being here so early in the morning! So, keep your fingers crossed for my return visit to the doctor this coming Friday - taht all is well. Of course, I still have to wear the f#@&ing boot for a total of three weeks..... Sigh.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Family photo

Here is my a photo of about half my family.

We have all four of my brothers and sister (Mark and CA with Rebecca, Reed and Ross; Molly - minus Jason; David and Candy with Macki - minus David's son, John; and Bruce - minus his children, William and Virginia); my Aunt Betty and her children, Cousin Scott and Ann with Caroline, Elizabeth, Emily and Page and Cousin Sarah and son Ben - minus her husband, Joe; and my Uncle Bill. No Thomas Cousins and no Aunt Ellie. So, it's about half (not even counting Mike's family, of which there are at least 100 people!) Wow. What is even more amazing is that this was after lunch, and Colin still has his shirt tucked in. :-)

First Day of School!

Wow, who can believe I have a 1st grader and a 2nd grader? Both of whom cried this morning when I dropped them off. Here they are!
They just look like such big boys in their backpacks. And something dorky is going on with Colin's pants, but who cares? So, We start school last week and They both go on Tuesday. It went well. They started at different times - but it went pretty well. I expected Andrew to cry, he didn't. I didn't expect Colin to cry, he did. Then Andrew went on Wednesday, Colin went to daycare. Elementary school calls at noon, Andrew has thrown up. I think it's nerves, it's not. He stays home on Thursday, which is the day Colin is scheduled to go. Andrew goes back to school on Friday, and Colin is scheduled for daycare. Nobody cried on Friday. Whoo-hoo!
And then today...... Andrew clings as we walk into school (yes, I am walking them to their classrooms - just for the remainder of the week). But he gets to school and sits outside of class just like he is supposed to do. Gives me a high five and wasn't thrilled, but not crying. Colin is practically skipping down the hallway to get to his class. Same thing - I get a high five, he sits down and I turn around to leave. I get halfway down the hallway and I hear feet and a ROAR, "MMOOMMMMMAAAA!!!!!!!" Colin has burst into tears and has run down the hallway to grab me around my waist. The clinging walk back to his classroom begins. We get there, and a nice little girl tells me that he cried last week, but did okay after a while. A teacher assistant from one of the other classes comes and tells me we can go to the teacher workroom. I tell her it won't really help and she offers up the helpful advice, "Then you just need to leave." Great, I'd love to do that, but I have a 50 lb. 6 year old wrapped around my waist. How, exactly, do you expect me to extricate myself and leave when he is clinging on to me? She finally got the idea and took his hand and said, "Let's walk Mom to the door." And he happily clung to her and cried, but I was able to get out the door. And no one has thrown up (yet). Another happy Monday. :-)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


We went for a crabbing trip out to Dewees Island. We didn't catch anything, but the captain was smart and had a bushel or two of crabs already bought for us and he steamed them and we ate them on the beach!
This is the boys with their third cousin, Ben.
This is one of my favorites. These are my second cousins, Caroline and Elizabeth are the twins, rounded out by Emily and Paige. Colin calls them the "beautiful girls." I swear, I don't think he knows that they have "real" names.

All of the above are from our trip up to Myrtle Beach. We saw a great show at the Palace Theatre - Le Grand Cirque. It was a Cirque du Soleil type of show, and I LOVE the Cirque du Soleil. Ticket prices were much cheaper at the Palace than at a real Cirque show, so for waht we paid it was GREAT. I'd go again, even!

This video is kind of dark, but it's just so sweet because my boys say they love me!

I can't get any more of my videos to work, so maybe in another post I'll add them.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Dentists, toothpaste, growing up and Boo Hoos

The boys had a dentist appointment this week. Now, most of you who know me know that I have some sort of demented relationship with the dentist. I didn’t go for four or five years – and when I finally did go, imagine my surprise when I had two longggg days of dental work to fix the previous five years of non-dental compliance. So, it’s important for me to make sure the boys go and have a good experience.

Andrew – well, I thought he was going to end up like me. He’d cry and carry on – they wouldn’t even be able to clean his whole mouth. We’d get either the top or bottom cleaned and that was THAT. The dentist could look in, but no work was going to be done. Then Keenan said, “take your I-pod.” THANK YOU, KEENAN! We have a playlist just for him that he can use and control when he’s at the dentist. This last visit, no crying, no whining, no trauma whatsoever. Of course, with his ears all plugged up with Ipod, he talks at 100 decibels….. And really, the only trauma that we experienced was when he tried to dance to the music in his ears. Really, the boy has NO rhythm.

And then there was my trauma at the dentist. No not during my visit (which was a week ago and I can happily report no tears, no whining, no frustration. And the hygienist even complimented me on my music, which was blaring. Seems that everyone getting dental work done that day listed to my “dentist playlist.”), but at the end of the boys’ visit. Their dentist, Dr. Nichols, told me that they were old enough for grown up toothpaste.

I am just so not ready for them to grow up. So much so that the mere mention of Crest Tartar Control Toothpaste might cause me to cry.

(Of course, they did get into a fight last night over which new toothbrush from the dentist was theirs… and then maybe I was wishing they would grow up just a teeny bit.)

And Colin. He wants to grow up so dang fast. Every morning he will come up to me and remind me that now he is a teenager. “Remember, momma, I’m a teenager today. I am twenty.” When I point out that a 20 year old isn’t a teenager, he’ll reply, “okay, then, let’s just pretend I’m sixteen.” He’ll then pack his pretend suitcase, march up to me, give me a big smooch and a big hug, and tells me he’s off on an adventure and isn’t quite sure when he’ll be back. And off he goes into the backyard to pretend to find monsters. I don’t cry at this, because I know it’s pretend. I may cry the first time I have to drop him off at “sleepaway” camp. And don’t even get me started on when he goes off to college. I may just start to bawl now.

All of this is made just a bit more poignant because I got news yesterday that my friend, Diane, had horrible news the day before. Her son, Robbie, was killed in a car accident. Robbie was 17 years old. I’ve known Diane since he was a baby – we first worked together fifteen or sixteen years ago. I got the news when I was at work, and could just stare up at the pictures of my two boys. I cannot begin to imagine what she must be going through. A single car accident – no one really knows what happened. It was 2:30 or 3:00 in the morning. Lots of people will make assumptions. Heck, I’m one of them. For that split second you think to yourself, “What was a kid that age doing out at 2:30 a.m.?” Never mind that there are plenty of reasonable explanations, you automatically think the worst. But ultimately, that doesn’t matter. Diane lost her son. Linsdsay lost her brother. Bob lost his son. It made the front page of our paper this morning. Looks like many people lost a good friend. A coach lost his star soccer player.

I was putting the boys to sleep last night, thinking, I don’t want you to grow up. I don’t want you to drive a car. I don’t want you to do stupid things just because you’re going to try and impress some girl or your friends. I don’t want you to drink too much. I don’t want you to take drugs. There are lots of “I don’t wants” to happen. And when I started to boo hoo, my sweet boys came up to me, gave me a “sandwich” hug and rubbed my back. And made me think, “Yes, I do want to see the men that boys such as this can become.” But don’t be too surprised if I cry a lot along the way.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Surfin Safari and climbing monkeys

The boys and I went to the beach after a LONGGGG day with the cub scouts at James Island County Park. They both tried the Alpine Tower. "Tried" is the operative word. I was pleased, because the night before and in the car on the way there, they both said, "I'm not doing this." So I am proud of them for suiting up and attempting (before they decided two feet off the ground, "I'm not doing this.")
Going to the beach at 5:00 p.m. is the ticket - no traffic, no sunscreen, no crowds. I love it. Anyhow, the videos will be used as blackmail when they have serious girlfriends..... :-)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

To borrow from Matthew McConnehey (and I know I didn't spell that correctly.....) JUST KEEP LIVIN

Hi all. Not too much to report - just thought I'd share pics of the boys. I have GOT to get a new digital camera.....and the one I want is about $1000. Yeah, not getting that one. Anyhow, happy middle of the week!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Allergic to Housework

Yes, I am actually allergic to housework. This is now a proven fact. We had to move a bookshelf yesterday to put a computer table in the playroom. Books on a bookshelf that have been there for 8 years (I cannot believe we've been in this house 8 years....). Dusty books on the bookshelf. My allergies started full swing yesterday about 5 minutes after I broke out the Pledge and started dusting. Ugh. And I'm still sneezy and eye watery today.

And yes, my letter to the editor appeared, only slightly edited, in last Thursday's paper. I still had to pay Mike the $1. (Of course, I just subtracted it from the $5 bet he LOST! So he just owes me $4.....).


Hope all of you have a good week!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Honey, you were right

This is an actual letter that I submitted to the paper for publishing in the letters to the editor. Thought you might enjoy it. I'll let you know if it actually gets published.....

This may be one of the hardest letters I’ve had to write. In it, I must say that which is hardest for any wife to say, “Honey, you were right.”
My husband and I will often have little bets on inconsequential things -- $.25 that the name of this song is “so and so” or $1.00 if I am really on the mark and know my stuff.

When he recently slowed down on a turn to the speed posted on the yellow cautionary sign, I asked just what was he doing? And we bet that the speed limit was law versus suggestion. I thought it was just a suggestion – and so did everyone else I posed this question to. Imagine my horror when I found out he was correct. I wasn’t horrified that it was actually law, but that for the first time in ages, he was right about something. As the SC DMV manual says, “Exceeding the speed posted on this type of sign is not only hazardous but also a traffic violation.”
So, honey, you were right. This of course, does not mean that I was wrong, just misinformed. Maybe if he sees this printed, I won’t have to cough up the dollar that we bet.