Yes, I am actually allergic to housework. This is now a proven fact. We had to move a bookshelf yesterday to put a computer table in the playroom. Books on a bookshelf that have been there for 8 years (I cannot believe we've been in this house 8 years....). Dusty books on the bookshelf. My allergies started full swing yesterday about 5 minutes after I broke out the Pledge and started dusting. Ugh. And I'm still sneezy and eye watery today.
And yes, my letter to the editor appeared, only slightly edited, in last Thursday's paper. I still had to pay Mike the $1. (Of course, I just subtracted it from the $5 bet he LOST! So he just owes me $4.....).
Hope all of you have a good week!
Hi! We're the Ronayne Family in Charleston, SC. Mike, Ann, Andrew, Colin, and of course, our furry family, Milo and Abby.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Honey, you were right

This is an actual letter that I submitted to the paper for publishing in the letters to the editor. Thought you might enjoy it. I'll let you know if it actually gets published.....
This may be one of the hardest letters I’ve had to write. In it, I must say that which is hardest for any wife to say, “Honey, you were right.”
My husband and I will often have little bets on inconsequential things -- $.25 that the name of this song is “so and so” or $1.00 if I am really on the mark and know my stuff.
When he recently slowed down on a turn to the speed posted on the yellow cautionary sign, I asked just what was he doing? And we bet that the speed limit was law versus suggestion. I thought it was just a suggestion – and so did everyone else I posed this question to. Imagine my horror when I found out he was correct. I wasn’t horrified that it was actually law, but that for the first time in ages, he was right about something. As the SC DMV manual says, “Exceeding the speed posted on this type of sign is not only hazardous but also a traffic violation.”
So, honey, you were right. This of course, does not mean that I was wrong, just misinformed. Maybe if he sees this printed, I won’t have to cough up the dollar that we bet.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Morphing photos
Okay - so this may be one of the dumber things that I've stumbled upon...but I think it could be addictive! (Thank goodness it is almost 5:00 p.m. and I cannot waste a whole day at work with this. And then I will have forgotten it by tomorrow.....But I still have to pass it along....)
You morph two famous people together and come up with an image. So I took Daniel Craig (I love, love, love him as Bond) and Drew Fuller (one of the guys from Army Wives - yes, I love that show, too!). It's worth a visit to the website.
Thank goodness there is no way to load my photo and morph myself with others.....
You morph two famous people together and come up with an image. So I took Daniel Craig (I love, love, love him as Bond) and Drew Fuller (one of the guys from Army Wives - yes, I love that show, too!). It's worth a visit to the website.
Thank goodness there is no way to load my photo and morph myself with others.....
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
School is almost out!
The boys go today and tomorrow until 10:30 a.m. Now, to me, that is just plain stupid. They ought to go today for a whole day and then be done with it. For the life of me I will not understand school districts and why they do what they do. I know there are laws and rules that govern most of it, but please tell me when common sense went the way of the dinosaur? It is just plain irritating.
Of course, I may just be down on school because Colin let me know that his teacher called him "annoying" yesterday. Now, Colin IS high energy. And yes, quite frankly, he can be annoying. But it is not his teacher's place to call him that (that distinction is Andrew's....!). Anyhow, is it too strong for me to say that I am irritated? Only more so because when I mentioned this to the guidance counselor, she, too, agreed that it was likely to have actually happened (because of course, when I talked to the teacher about this, she denied, denied, denied....). (And then she told me that Colin has a great imagination - and that he has just made this up, too. Yeah, uh-huh. Like I am going to believe YOU. Nope, this time I'm going with my child. In this instance, I believe he is telling the truth.)
So, we're almost out for the summer, but I don't think I've seen a summer reading list. I remember dreading those when I was little. And I loved to read! Andrew's reading skills are pretty good - he is reading chapter books now. But no Harry Potter - at least, not this year! He does have one girl in his class who is reading Harry Potter. (And I just read those this past year. They are REALLY good!) That reminds me to go on Amazon and look for the Encyclopedia Brown books. Those were the best. Ah, here's the link These are the kind of books that I am hoping Andrew will just LOVE.
So, for the summer, I still have to work full time, so the boys are still in daycare. But they get to go roller skating, to the water park, movies - all summer long. I think I will try to take a week off and see if we can't have an adventure week!
Happy Hump Day to all! Enjoy Colin and Andrew's music video.... :-)
Of course, I may just be down on school because Colin let me know that his teacher called him "annoying" yesterday. Now, Colin IS high energy. And yes, quite frankly, he can be annoying. But it is not his teacher's place to call him that (that distinction is Andrew's....!). Anyhow, is it too strong for me to say that I am irritated? Only more so because when I mentioned this to the guidance counselor, she, too, agreed that it was likely to have actually happened (because of course, when I talked to the teacher about this, she denied, denied, denied....). (And then she told me that Colin has a great imagination - and that he has just made this up, too. Yeah, uh-huh. Like I am going to believe YOU. Nope, this time I'm going with my child. In this instance, I believe he is telling the truth.)
So, we're almost out for the summer, but I don't think I've seen a summer reading list. I remember dreading those when I was little. And I loved to read! Andrew's reading skills are pretty good - he is reading chapter books now. But no Harry Potter - at least, not this year! He does have one girl in his class who is reading Harry Potter. (And I just read those this past year. They are REALLY good!) That reminds me to go on Amazon and look for the Encyclopedia Brown books. Those were the best. Ah, here's the link These are the kind of books that I am hoping Andrew will just LOVE.
So, for the summer, I still have to work full time, so the boys are still in daycare. But they get to go roller skating, to the water park, movies - all summer long. I think I will try to take a week off and see if we can't have an adventure week!
Happy Hump Day to all! Enjoy Colin and Andrew's music video.... :-)
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