So, my church asked me to be an Elder. My truly elder brother thinks this is hysterical, along with my husband. They have taken great delight at calling me elderly. Yeah, so NOT funny Mike and David!
(The Elders in the Presbyterian church make up the session, which is kind of like a Board of Trustees to a univeristy. I start classes in "eldership" next week, so I'll be able to tell you more if you ask...but just wait a while before you ask.)
The reaction when I tell people that I've been asked to be an Elder is much like when I told people I was going to be the Director of Protocol at The usually goes like this, "What, did they run out of other people?" or "Uh, have they MET you?" I laugh, but now I'm wondering if I should be offended. Or maybe if I'm just not showing my enough of my Christly side. (Is Christly even a word? Hmm, one more thing I'll have to ponder.)
I've been on our Fellowship Committee for a couple of years now. The boys go to our church's day care. Granted, i am not in church every Sunday, and we've just about completely dropped off the face of the earth as far as Sunday school goes...but I've been involved. Visible. WHy is it so odd that they would ask me to be an Elder?
I know I'm not the best Christian. I am flawed. Waaayyyy flawed. But aren't we all? I mean, we should strive for perfection, but really, only God is perfect.
It's a journey I'm excited to take. I'm ready to find out more about my "Christly side." And I hope that by me taking this journey, that someone else out there thinks, "Hmm, I could do that, too."