Friday, August 17, 2012

I have middle school angst like there is no tomorrow. Andrew starts 6th grade next week. I don't remember being this nervous when I started middle school. And I had every right to be nervous then. I started at First Baptist in the 7th grade after being at Ashley Hall for 6 years. Bruce was at FB, so that's where I had to go. Nothing like being tortured by your big brother on a daily basis. We rode the bus together. Yeah, Mom, that was a GREAT idea. Thank goodness I met Kimmie Hughes that year. We're still friends... I actually CRIED last night after the middle school orientation. I can't begin to tell you why, other than my baby is growing up. This is what it is all about. Raising your kids so they do grow up. I'm just not ready. Not by a long shot. Here's to hoping that by Wednesday I've gotten over this. I'm okay with Colin being in the 5th grade this year. Been there, done that. I think I'll even be okay when he finishes. But with Andrew, I'm so angst-y. I hate it! I don't know if part of it is related to his recent outbursts, which are partly hormonal, I'm sure. But he is DYING to get some independence, and I'm just not ready to give him as much as he wants. Yes, I realize that at some point I'm going to have to, but not now, okay? I think I should probably be happy that 2 or three days out of the week he still will hold my hand when we walk somewhere or give me random kisses. And I am happy when he does that. I just dread the day when it stops...