Thursday, January 17, 2013

Done.  With.  Work.  For.  The.  Day.  But is' not yet 4:00 p.m. and I don't get to leave until 4:30 p.m.  And I don't feel like asking to leave early.  So, I was having middle school angst, and now I have family vacation angst.  We are scheduled for a BIG vacay in the summer, complete with rental cars, flying and lots to see and do.  All my angst is with Southwest and their boarding - the boys have never flown before and I want to make sure we can sit together.  They are too old for family boarding.  Yes, I will pay the early check in fee.  I am still worried.  But the savings are TOOOOOO much to not consider them seriously.  Mike, too, is adamant that each parent sit with a boy...  Sigh.  Now for something random.

This is an old photo of mom.  It just makes me giggle.  I hope that 30 years from now when the boys are telling THEIR children about their Bammy, they remember she was cool enough to sport an eye patch and a do rag.