Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Basketball practice

The boys have signed up at Ft. Johnson Baptist Church in the Upward basketball program. They are having a BLAST!!! They will scrimmage a girls team later on this week in practice, and their first game is on Saturday. More photos of them in their basketball uniforms soon!


Colin FINALLY lost another tooth! He's been telling us for two months that his front teeth were VERY wiggly. Yeah, maybe not so much until recently. But he just wanted to lose that tooth.....

Bowling - Too Funny

We went ten pin bowling at the bowling alley. I loved this - it was so much easier than regular bowling. Not to mention it wasnt' nearly as crowded, so it was much quieter. The boys had fun, too!

This is Andrew doing his best "WHOOO HOOOO!" impression.

Colin (below) is just too goofy most of the time. :-)