Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wishes and Likes

Nothing much to report today. No pictures to add. No stories to tell. Maybe just musings... I wish I was a better gardener. I wish I had more willpower. I like that I can cry at sappy commercials. I wish I didn't think about the future so much and what it will be like without certain people. I just need to enjoy them while they are here. I like that I have a big vocabulary and use big words in daily conversations. Not just to use big words, but they come naturally. I love bacon. I wish that I didn't love bacon quite so much. I wish that (sometimes) I was busier at work. I like living close to my mom and dad. I'd be happy if they lived next door! I wish that I were more produtive. I love that my 10 year old wants me to give him 100 kisses at bedtime. It's a game for us. I like the way a buzz cut feels when I run my hand over the buzzed head. I like the way sunscreen smells. I like the way pluff mud smells. I wish Mike liked the way pluff mud smells. I like it when my kids tuck ME into bed.